File Cabinet Fastener Strap, GrayUsed For Secures File, Storage, And Similar Cabinets To Wall Studs With Industrial Hook And Loop, Avoids Penetrating Cabinet With Screws, Includes (1) 2 X 12 Strap With Industrial Hook And Loop, (1) 1/4 In. Metal Stud Toggler With Instructions, (1) 1/4 In. Wood Stud Screw, (1) 1/4 In. X 1 In. Washer, (1) Surface Prep Pad, Instructions Wall MountFlammable cabinet strut fastener secures flammable and toxic corrosive cabinets to wall stud. Wall strap is used for copiers and medium size equipment. File cabinet strap is used for file cabinets, storage cabinets, and other types of similar cabinets.
Ganging file cabinets is used for ganging file cabinets and similar cabinets together. Equipment wall strap are used for strapping kitchen refrigerators, freezers, and other similar sized items. Cart-to-wall is used for carts, metro racks, and tubular furniture. Strut straps secure refrigators, freezers, and similar items. Adhesive plate assemblies secure large counter top equipment, refrigators, and freezers. Steel furniture cable secure tall and top heavy furniture to wall.Seismic Bracing FastenersEarthquake fasteners secure file cabinets, top heavy furniture, lab equipment, hospital equipment and office equipment that is required for IBC compliance.
Price: $ 45